Quilt Selected for Special Exhibit, Together in Unity, for the International Quilt Festival
Houston 2021
My quilt, Communities of Color, has been selected for inclusion in the special exhibit, Together in Unity, for the International Quilt Festival in Houston 2021, October 27 - October 31, 2021.
Exhibit coordinators stated, "We are excited about a return to in-person shows, and your quilt will be seen by tens of thousands of quilters from all over the world! This year we received many beautiful quilt entries, much more than usual, so that makes your selection even more special, and is a credit to the quality of work you are presenting.
Throughout the world many changes are occurring in many areas of life, society, and interpersonal relationships. Viewpoints are evolving. We are all experiencing change. Change is frightening, but change can also be positive and invigorating. Art not only illustrates change but can also influence it. This exhibit encouraged artists to express in a creative work what brings us together and illustrates how listening to change and reaching out can open doors for all people."
The exhibit is by sponsored eQuilter.com.

Upcoming Exhibit
I have been selected to participate in the Alverno College Annual Alumnae Juried Art Show. This year’s show will take place in the newly opened Alverno Art & Cultures Gallery in Alexia Hall. Artwork will be on display during the Grand Opening Celebration of Alexia Hall for alumnae and friends of Alverno.
The exhibit will open Friday, October 9, 2015, 5:30–7:30 p.m., with a wine and cheese reception and awards ceremony. It will run through Saturday, October 31, 2015.

Scheduled Workshops
I’m excited to be hosting several workshops in the next six months. One of the venues is at a thriving Milwaukee community location: Bloom Creative Ground and Gallery.
From Bloom Creative Ground and Gallery’s August 2015 newsletter:
We are happy to be hosting a series of sewing and fabric arts classes presented by Sew and Sew Retreats & Creative Workshops featuring Linda Sweek Designs. Beginning in September and running through next February you will have the opportunity to learn a variety of sewing skills in one or more of the following workshops:
Tactile Textiles, September 16 & 23
Sew Messy, October 10
Fabric Coiled Bowls, October 24
Gelli Printing, November 14
Ornament Table Runner, November 28
Delightful Felted Ornaments, December 1
Mom & Me Christmas Workshop: Felted Ornaments, December 5
Heart Shaped Fabric Coiled Bowl, January 30
Stitch and Slash, February 20 & 27
To learn more, click here or on the flyer.
To register go to: www.bloomcreativeground.com
In addition, three events have been scheduled at the
Wisconsin Museum of Quilts and Fiber Arts in 2016.
A complete schedule with all workshop dates will be listed soon.

Second Fiber Arts Biennale: Wisconsin State of the Art
July 16 – October 18, 2015 – Wisconsin Museum of Quilts and Fiber Arts
I’m honored to have two pieces of fiber art in the upcoming
exhibit at the Wisconsin Museum of Quilts and Fiber Arts (WMQFA) –
Peacock Quilt and Coiled Fabric Bowl in Turquoise.
I have been working on the Peacock Quilt for four years and finished it just in time for this exhibit. The peacock quilt began with embroidering a tapestry with many stitches including lazy daisy, feather stitch, French knots, satin stitch, and more, then enhancing the tapestry with beads. After completing the embroidering, I began making dozens of fabric circles from batiks, hand-dyed cottons, and linens that were overlapped creating the look of a peacock’s feathers. These circles were attached with a stitched blanket stitch. After the circles were all sewn, the tapestry was attached in the center.
The second piece is a rich turquoise and teal batik coiled fabric bowl that was
stitched together with variegated embroidery floss. This bowl was finished off
by weaving a yarn of blues, greens and turquoise with gold sequins along the
top rim. Plus, a piece of metalwork with turquoise glass beads hangs
down the front.
WMQFA states, “Celebrate fiber arts in Wisconsin as we exhibit over 80 pieces, created by over 50 artists from the four corners of our state. Represented are works including fiber jewelry, clothing, quilts, collage, rugs, beadwork, embroidery, punch needlework, sculptures, as well as items that are knitted, crocheted and felted.
Visitors to the museum will be offered the chance to vote on their favorite piece to be named ‘best of show.’ Winner will be announced at our Fall University Day, October 3.” For more information go to http://wiquiltmuseum.com/

Voila` Creativity changes company name to Linda Sweek Designs
October 1, 2014
Following in the fashion of other artists working in fabric and mixed media, Voila` Creativity has become Linda Sweek Designs. "An artist using their own name, is really branding themselves and their art," stated Linda Sweek, owner, artist and consultant. "Besides, the new name is a little easier to remember!"
Additionally, a new web site was launched this week – www.lindasweekdesigns.com.
Two recent visitors had this to say about the site:
“Okay, this is wow. The new web site is a reflection of you and your talent. I love it! I love the color scheme, the layout – love it. It is pleasing on the eye, easy to get around and everything loaded quickly. Nice. Nice. Nice." R. T.; Milwaukee, WI
“Love the website, so inviting! And even more fun, are all the different tea towel designs! Great gifts for visiting friends to our home and for visiting friends at their homes!” M.T.; Yardley PA
Voila` Creativity Nominated for
Martha Stewart American Made Award
June 19, 2014
Voila` Creativity has been nominated for the 2014 Martha Stewart American Made Awards.
The nationally recognized awards program celebrates handcrafted, well-designed goods, proudly made in America, and it honors makers, small businesses owners, and creative entrepreneurs in the fields of crafts, design, food, and style.
Voila` Creativity Receives Best of Houzz 2014 Award -Annual Survey and Analysis of 16 Million Monthly Users Reveals Top-Rated Building, Remodeling and Design Professionals
[Milwaukee, Wisc.], February 4, 2014 – Voila` Creativity of Milwaukee, Wisconsin has been awarded “Best of Houzz” by Houzz, the leading platform for home remodeling and design. The up-and-coming decorating and window treatment and functional fabric art company was chosen by the more than 16 million monthly users that comprise the Houzz community.
The Best of Houzz award is given in two categories: Customer Satisfaction and Design. Customer Satisfaction honors are determined by a variety of factors, including the number and quality of client reviews a professional received in 2013. Design award winners’ work was the most popular among the more than 16 million monthly users on Houzz, known as “Houzzers,” who saved more than 230 million professional images of home interiors and exteriors to their personal ideabooks via the Houzz site. Winners will receive a “Best of Houzz 2014” badge on their profiles, showing the Houzz community their commitment to excellence.
© 2011 - 2024 by Linda Sweek Designs. All rights reserved.